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"You got served", áhuginn vaknaði strax eftir að hafa lesið þetta review frá óheppnum miðakaupa á
Date: 20 February 2004
Summary: May I borrow your pen?
Innocently I sat, waiting for the previews to finish and the movie to start, not knowing the previews were by far the best entertainment of the evening. Once the lights dimmed, it didn't take long to realize I'd wasted my money. Not only did I waste it, I did it in what is arguably the most painful of fashions. I would have been better off if I'd paid the same amount of money to let a pack of rabid wolves gnaw my limbs off - at least the agony would have ended sooner. If my date hadn't been committed to seeing the thing through (`we paid for it, we may as well see it') I would have walked out, but no.. The things we do for those that we for love.
At one point I wanted to take a ball point pen and jam it into my eyeball, then pound it as deep into my skull as it would go. I would have then smashed my head face first repeatedly into the back of the seat in front of me until rendered duly unconscious so as to escape the agony of this retch-fest, but alas, no pen. I tried to borrow one from any other patrons in the theater, but wisely, they had all fled. I could only pass the time with idle dreams of listening to my Walkman while strolling down a set of railroad tracks.
Save your self the pain I went through, and avoid this flick.
... mættur í biðröðina.. :)
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