Finally found all the parts of Mr. Gates keynote and forced myself to watch most of it ( Part 1 and onward). When comparing this keynote to the one held by Steve Jobs earlier this year at WWDC 2007 and last years WWDC 2006, it was simply dreadful. While Apple's CEO talked in moderation with lots of visual aids and actually demo'ed the technology and enhancements that he was talking about, microsoft's CEO talked in (at times) excruciating length about how their new flagship OS, Windows Vista, provided "interconnected device experience", how "intuitive and simple" their UI and navigation and how innovative the infrastructure is (honestly, what does that mean? and why do the users care?). Why not simply show it? Lengthy dictator-like sermons get tired really fast. Since it's so simple and intuitive, show it.. the users should get it right away right?!
It was simply sad to watch, how should the users trust Windows Vista enough to use if the developer, microsoft, is to afraid to show and demo its features live? Simply sad...
Also a historical stroll through bright and dark times at Apple watch these videos:
1983 Apple Keynote-The "1984" Ad Introduction
Macworld Boston 1997-The Microsoft Deal
Apple WWDC 2006-Windows Vista Copies Mac OS X
The Boston 97 event was just excruciating to watch, although Mr. Jobs rightly pointed out that "For Apple to win, Microsoft doesn't have to loose". I however had a hard time not laughing out loud when Jobs announced that "The era of setting this up as a competition between Apple and Microsoft is over as far as I'm concerned" especially after watching the third video in the list. It's good to know that Apple and Microsoft (and others) are still competing, keeps us all healthy :)
The bottom-line, I honestly don't think I'd accept a job offering at microsoft at this point. I however would love the opportunity to work with Apple.
What closed the deal and finally won me over? It's the 15 minute long commencement speech that Steve Jobs gave at Stanford University in 2005. This is a man I want my work to impress. If you only watch one video, watch that one.
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