US Govt Makes Times New Roman 14 Official Font
According to ABC news, 'In an internal memorandum distributed on Wednesday, the department declared "Courier New 12" - the font and size decreed for US diplomatic documents for years - to be obsolete and unacceptable after February 1. "In response to many requests and with a view to making our written work easier to read, we are moving to a new standard font: 'Times New Roman 14'," said the memorandum. meira...
... hvenær áttar Íslenska ríkið sig, tekur sig saman í andlitinu og nefnir Comic Sans Íslands letrið! Það væri nú eftir þessum hálfvitum miðað við asnaskapinn í þeim undanfarið.. Ætli Óli sé ekki í "leturkynningu" þarna vestanhafs?
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