There was another games night held tonight at Jonathan's house. It was both a GAMES night and a going-away party for a member of the GAMES group,
Akihiro Kishimoto but he defended his PhD last week.
We yet again got a lift from Mike (we have to start paying him gas money soon). He also picked up Frano on his way. The party started at 7pm and at 6:50pm Frano was just waking up, "Huh? Is the game thing tonight? Oh man..." But we got there okay and in one piece (Mike is Mr. Map).
Although I got a lift with Jonathan to Jasper, I hadn't seen the inside of his house before and oh man... It's huge! And he's got the basement I always dreamt of owning..the whole basement was a huge game-room, with a pinball machine, old school twoplayer arcade (pacman style), airhockey table, fooßball table, shelves full of boardgames and of course a chessboard. It was the gamesnight of my dreams :D... so much fun.

Also we had a small tribute this night for Yngvi (our supervisor in Iceland). The story is that when he showed up for his first GAMES night here in Edmonton he came excessively overdressed (in a tux with a tie and all) and since everyone pretty much show up in normal clothing you can imagine how hilariously funny that was, beside the fact that Yngvi is really uncomfortable "in a tie and a suit". So I decided to keep this Icelandic tradition alive and show up in a suit with a tie. Actually Jonathan (who had originally told me the story) didn't get the joke at first, thought I had dressed up to impress him (hehe) but the one person who got it right away was Nathan that had been Yngvi's roommate for quite sometime during his stay. Well it was a small private joke but funny and well worth it.. at least I got a few good laughs from it.. :D
I had a great time and probably the BEST games-night ever, thank you Jonathan for your hospitality .. best EVER :D
Here are some picturesAnd two videos (pretty big though)
PhD ceremony
1 (>33MB) and
2 (>22MB)
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