I think it must be some kind of a sandbox-related-childhood issue.. ? *smile*
29. júní 2005
Taking it a bit to far
I think it must be some kind of a sandbox-related-childhood issue.. ? *smile*
21. júní 2005
Last but not least
Fcuk'edy fcuk!
Just spent almost an entire week sick as a dog. Got finally so fcuking bored of my new unconscious-life that I decided to fcuk-it-all and just show up for work.
Regretting that decision more and more with every passing minute...
But these last days did not go totally to waste, lying around and just feeling over-all sorry for myself. Although I made a couple of "this is my last breath just called to say I love you"-phone calls to loved ones, my major achivement is that I finally wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows on my trusty IBM thinkpad. I bought it few months before I started my undergrad and it had followed my through all the good/bad times with the initial setup. I have to admit it, deleting the primary partition felt like I was pulling the plug on a loved one and it took me some time to get to terms with myself afterwards. But all that vanished like a fart in the wind when I discovered that after the reinstall that my old I-hate-you-and-your-slowness-you-are-ruining-my-life laptop had a sudden burst in performance. :D And I almost fell in love all over again... but only almost... nothing still compares to my lovely-looking powerbook *sigh*.
Well back to my (quote)work(/quote)...
Regretting that decision more and more with every passing minute...
But these last days did not go totally to waste, lying around and just feeling over-all sorry for myself. Although I made a couple of "this is my last breath just called to say I love you"-phone calls to loved ones, my major achivement is that I finally wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows on my trusty IBM thinkpad. I bought it few months before I started my undergrad and it had followed my through all the good/bad times with the initial setup. I have to admit it, deleting the primary partition felt like I was pulling the plug on a loved one and it took me some time to get to terms with myself afterwards. But all that vanished like a fart in the wind when I discovered that after the reinstall that my old I-hate-you-and-your-slowness-you-are-ruining-my-life laptop had a sudden burst in performance. :D And I almost fell in love all over again... but only almost... nothing still compares to my lovely-looking powerbook *sigh*.
Well back to my (quote)work(/quote)...
9. júní 2005
A revolutionary method
Thank god for Apple and their wonderful product iPhoto, without it I wouldn't remember a half of the things we did in Canada.
Hint: If you ever get a digital camera, I recommend adapting the usage-pattern I've termed "Jonas's method". Funny results are guaranteed. It is as follows:
1. Grab a nearby camera, preferably with a large memory card (>256MB)
2. Press the little on button and get ready (perhaps with a deep breath etc..)
3. Go into a photo-frenzy where you try to fill up the memory card in the least amount of time, preferably by taking multiple pictures of everybody and everything in your immediate vicinity.
I've got numerous funny-as-hell pictures in my album taken using this method :) I'm currently only a lowly apprentice of Jónas himself, trying to master this ancient art.
8. júní 2005
A moral dilemma
... it is as I never went to Canada... this sucks!
Instead of working on starting my thesis work I decided that writing some AppleScripts and installing cool Mac apps would qualify as a time well spent.
Growl is one of the coolest apps for Mac I've seen (so far). A global notification handling system is a concept much needed in the Windows world and it is nice to see such a great implementation of such a system as Growl is. It had been bugging my for quite some time that I couldn't globally control iTunes in a clean fashion (e.g. without a mouse driven menu-bar program). I finally found a nice program that could create hot-key macro sequences (and wasn't overly complex and slow), Keyboard Maestro. It had a couple of built-in functions to control iTunes but I couldn't instantly rate the songs with out switching to iTunes, which was what I desperately needed.
So after discovering that I could execute my own custom AppleScript code I found some nice implementations that I could use to control iTunes as I liked. But the coolest thing in all this is that the Growl system can also be controlled via AppleScript and thus I was able to create hotkeys that switch between songs/show current song info and quick rate them meanwhile displaying all the info I wanted to see on-screen for my viewing pleasure :D
This small banner, displaying the song info, rating and album art, slides up at the bottom of my screen stays for 2 secs and then slides down again. Kewl eh?

Here are the AppleScripts I used:
Rating0.scpt (Added this one to the ones that came with Growl)
Today I love my Mac but... mixed feelings toward this hunk of rock I'm living on have surfaced recently...
Instead of working on starting my thesis work I decided that writing some AppleScripts and installing cool Mac apps would qualify as a time well spent.
So after discovering that I could execute my own custom AppleScript code I found some nice implementations that I could use to control iTunes as I liked. But the coolest thing in all this is that the Growl system can also be controlled via AppleScript and thus I was able to create hotkeys that switch between songs/show current song info and quick rate them meanwhile displaying all the info I wanted to see on-screen for my viewing pleasure :D
This small banner, displaying the song info, rating and album art, slides up at the bottom of my screen stays for 2 secs and then slides down again. Kewl eh?
Here are the AppleScripts I used:
Rating0.scpt (Added this one to the ones that came with Growl)
Today I love my Mac but... mixed feelings toward this hunk of rock I'm living on have surfaced recently...
4. júní 2005
Eftir að hafa flakkað upp og niður á biðlista eftir íbúð á stúdentagörðunum (hjálpar nú ekki að ég sé "bara" nemandi í HR) þá loksins fengum við úthlutað íbúð á Eggertsgötunni. Við urðum víst að borga leiguna fyrir hálfan maí (furðulegt að halda þessu ekki bara í heila mánuð, úthluta manni íbúð í miðjum mánuði er soldið furðulegt). Við slógum því á frest að hefja flutningana úr Rjúpufellinu þar til að við komum frá Mallorca og höfum því verið að bera dót og drasl úr þessari litlu kytru sem við vorum í. Furðulegt hvað mikið drasl fylgir manni og maður getur troðið á lítið svæði.. þetta voru alveg 4 ferðir með kassa og drasl ásamt því að fara eina væna sendibílaferð með skápa og rúm.
En jæja við sváfum fyrstu nóttina í nótt og nú er bara að taka upp úr töskunum og vona að við höldum íbúðinni fram á vetur ;)
En jæja við sváfum fyrstu nóttina í nótt og nú er bara að taka upp úr töskunum og vona að við höldum íbúðinni fram á vetur ;)
1. júní 2005
Það sem býður manni! [That which awaits you!]
Maður varla nýlentur á þessu drulluskeri frá Mallorca og manni verður á að líta í morgunblað landsmanna og þá bíður þessi sjón manni á blaðsíðu 2... manngreyjið, það þyrfti að lóga honum eins og riðuveikri rollu.. þetta er nánast verra en vígsla Dabba kóngs á Makkaranum hérna um árið.. þvílíkur grasasni!
Just arrived from Mallorca this morning to find this sad little person on the prime page of the biggest newspaper in Iceland, Guðni Á. our minister of agriculture, slobbering up a piece of chicken in a factory in some godforsaken hell hole in the country.. almost as bad as when our own prime minister formally ordained the first McDonalds restaurant here in Iceland (by shoving a greasy bigmac into his fat mouth).. jeezz what bunch of fucking retards!

Just arrived from Mallorca this morning to find this sad little person on the prime page of the biggest newspaper in Iceland, Guðni Á. our minister of agriculture, slobbering up a piece of chicken in a factory in some godforsaken hell hole in the country.. almost as bad as when our own prime minister formally ordained the first McDonalds restaurant here in Iceland (by shoving a greasy bigmac into his fat mouth).. jeezz what bunch of fucking retards!
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