Just arrived from Mallorca this morning to find this sad little person on the prime page of the biggest newspaper in Iceland, Guðni Á. our minister of agriculture, slobbering up a piece of chicken in a factory in some godforsaken hell hole in the country.. almost as bad as when our own prime minister formally ordained the first McDonalds restaurant here in Iceland (by shoving a greasy bigmac into his fat mouth).. jeezz what bunch of fucking retards!
1. júní 2005
Það sem býður manni! [That which awaits you!]
Maður varla nýlentur á þessu drulluskeri frá Mallorca og manni verður á að líta í morgunblað landsmanna og þá bíður þessi sjón manni á blaðsíðu 2... manngreyjið, það þyrfti að lóga honum eins og riðuveikri rollu.. þetta er nánast verra en vígsla Dabba kóngs á Makkaranum hérna um árið.. þvílíkur grasasni!
Just arrived from Mallorca this morning to find this sad little person on the prime page of the biggest newspaper in Iceland, Guðni Á. our minister of agriculture, slobbering up a piece of chicken in a factory in some godforsaken hell hole in the country.. almost as bad as when our own prime minister formally ordained the first McDonalds restaurant here in Iceland (by shoving a greasy bigmac into his fat mouth).. jeezz what bunch of fucking retards!

Just arrived from Mallorca this morning to find this sad little person on the prime page of the biggest newspaper in Iceland, Guðni Á. our minister of agriculture, slobbering up a piece of chicken in a factory in some godforsaken hell hole in the country.. almost as bad as when our own prime minister formally ordained the first McDonalds restaurant here in Iceland (by shoving a greasy bigmac into his fat mouth).. jeezz what bunch of fucking retards!
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