Regretting that decision more and more with every passing minute...
But these last days did not go totally to waste, lying around and just feeling over-all sorry for myself. Although I made a couple of "this is my last breath just called to say I love you"-phone calls to loved ones, my major achivement is that I finally wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows on my trusty IBM thinkpad. I bought it few months before I started my undergrad and it had followed my through all the good/bad times with the initial setup. I have to admit it, deleting the primary partition felt like I was pulling the plug on a loved one and it took me some time to get to terms with myself afterwards. But all that vanished like a fart in the wind when I discovered that after the reinstall that my old I-hate-you-and-your-slowness-you-are-ruining-my-life laptop had a sudden burst in performance. :D And I almost fell in love all over again... but only almost... nothing still compares to my lovely-looking powerbook *sigh*.
Well back to my (quote)work(/quote)...
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