So we ended up going to the Westmount theater which offers much better parking facilities, all free and wonderful. Well actually none of us cared all that much and after Mike told us going to Westmount would be at least $2 cheaper than CC we couldn't refuse (as every student knows that cheap == good and cheaper == even better).
The ticket was only $8.95 which is much easier on the wallet than the $11 you usually pay at CC. Only thing was that the theater was kind of strangely built since the isle ran through the middle of the room and wasted all the best seats.. but hell it's $2 cheaper so who cares ;)
The movie was GREAT! :D Once of the best I've seen in years. I just love how they only showed certain important colors in the movie (it was mostly grayscale or even full b/w). It really gave the movie the great comic feel the original comics have. Also the movie itself (or the stories) are kind of gory and the grayscale kind of reduced all the gore and actually made the movie much much better since you could feel all the horror but it didn't bother you all that much. Even when it's close to the ending of the film, you know the typical climax scene where you are just hoping the hero is coming to save the day, the cops are on their way, the real villain has just exposed his identity, the sudden unexpected twist gets more apparent and all the fire alarms in the house are going of...
... ohhh wait fire alarms? They don't fit in this sequence and why aren't the actors responding to the ringing? Wait a minute! That's not a part of the film, that alarm is REAL! So the fire alarm was suddenly sounded through the whole mall and we had to evacuate. Frano had told us earlier that here in Canada, if you don't evacuate the building when the fire alarm is set off the fire dept. is going to fine you a huge amount (>$500). So we had to fight the built-in-icelandic urge to ignore the bell and just assume every alarm is a false one... "Just sit there it's probably a false alarm" my deranged mind was telling me, but finally my wallet voice screamed at me to snap out of it since I haven't got the $500 bucks so we decided to leave the theater.
Well, of course it was a false alarm!!! When is the Icelandic spider-sense wrong I ask you?! NEVER! So when it came painfully apparent that it was a false alarm the theater employees started handing out the "Emergency Exchange Vouchers".. huh? wait a minute.. who has specific vouchers for false emergency situations? This scene was just to funny that the first instinct, the thing every employee has at the top of their drawer is the emergency vouchers.. Getting that ticket was so worth the trip (it even has the words "Emergency" in the title.. priceless). Somebody actually sat down and thought "Hmm.. in the case of a fire alarm that turns out to be a fake, we should have some specialized refund tickets.. YEAH! some form of .. emergency exchange vouchers.." Brilliant :)
So now the MPAA and the Westmount theater have forced my hand, I now "have" to download the film from the internet to see the last 20 minutes. I mean, they can't even argue since I've already paid to see it..
Until next time, enjoy the "Emergency voucher" below... I know I will.. :)
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