Yesterday was day two of this interesting experiment and the coffeehouse I decided to visit was a place I am ashamed to say that I haven't seen before and it's one of the oldest coffee houses in Reykjavik. Mokka Kaffi (Mocca Café) is located on a sidestreet from the main shopping street here in Reykjavik. It was opened in 1958 and has been a refuge for Reykjaviks artists through the years. My impressions are that it's small and cozy, I'm going there again.
I was joined by two friends of mine Solla and Gunni and we drank coffee/pops and talked, which was very nice :) This experiment is turning out to be much more fun than I expected.
Tonight I'm going to have coffee at one of Reykjavik's most popular hangout places Kaffibarinn (the Coffee-bar) at 19:00, being CS-people we are going to have a small music-sharing moment. I'm bringing my laptop and Solla is bringing hers since I wanted to "listen locally" to some songs she has in her iTunes library *wink* :D would be fun if everybody brought their libraries, it's fun to discover new music...
Com-on and join us guys (or you mom if you're the only person reading this blog? *smile*) it's fun and it shure beats sitting home in front of the tube all night!
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