Well time sure flies when you're having fun. Yesterday was one of the best days in Reykjavik this summer, weather-vise anyways, and thus it was humanly impossible to stay indoors behind a computer screen. So after having tormented myself for a few hours staying in the AI-lab and wallowing in self-pity since my "awesome new AI search idea" wasn't all that awesome when I tried it out, I decided that enough is enough and skipped out early. Actually dragged a fellow labmate and a good friend with me out and we walked together home. On the way home we walked across Miklatun, which is a huge park centered around an art gallery in the (almost)middle of the city. Recently there was an beach-wolley ball court built there, with the beach-sand and everything ;), so we decided to check it out and ended up playing beach-hackysack (since the net was quite low.. stupid kids). Nice hour workout I'd say...

So for day three of my CE experiment I met a few people in Kaffibarinn, which is a popular coffeehouse on Laugavegurinn (the main strip). The only reason for picking this place is because it is a hotspot (has wireless internet) and we wanted to share some music.. geeks! hehe..
It ended up just being just me, Solla and Gunni for the second day in a row.. but they're fun people to hang around with so it was the best :D
Edit: well after a lot of angry messages and "That's so lame"-emails I've decided to change the coffee house for this afternoon to
Vegamót, so it's at
19:00 at Vegamot, nice since you can get something to eat there for a reasonable price right! :D At least I will be!
p.s. If ever in Edmonton, Canada. Don't forget to check out my friends Chris's new coffee house
Hulbert's (when it opens that is) owned by two of my favorite Canadians, and thus it's guaranteed to be a nice little place and I assume that they especially welcome coffee-needing Icelanders, right? ;)
19:00 at Vegamót tonight
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