As to help me with my shit-this-sucks mood a good friend of mine gave me his 10day guest pass for World of Warcraft (a relatively-new massive multiplayer online game from Blizzard). I've been playing for these past five days and I have to admit that this game is just awesome. First impressions are great and then it just gets better :) Much more fun than the previous MMO-game I played (which was Eve-online, which basiclly just bored me).
I just love the multiplayer aspect of the game, the developers really made an effort in making sure that communicating and teaming up with other players is as seamless and effortless as possible, and has a huge gain. Previously in similar games I usually just soloed the game but now I find myself much often grouping up with other players to be able to finish assigned quests/missions. Which I think is just the essence of a game like this, getting people to work together towards mutual goals. Also something I was not used to (having not played Everquest) is that when you meet other players (same or different class/race) just walking past them in the world they usually help you out by casting on you their beef-up spells (beef-up spells are spells that give you enhanced abilities as strength, intelligence etc.). This is something that I didn't expect but is a good indication of the over-all playing atmosphere in the game. So now, when I pass some one I check their status and if needed throw a couple of spells their way, why not :)
Another great thing is that the game is just one big instance (that is everybody is playing in the same world at the same time, although dungeons are an exception). Thus you have the opportunity to influence other players (as with the beef-ups before). That is the reason why you usually aren't fighting some monster alone for a long time. There is kind of a general rule that if you see a low-level player fighting a high-level monster that is obviously going to kill him (although death is not a big problem in this game) you usually join in and help with the killing. Just a spell or two, an arrow or bullet. It's a nice thing to do and gives you a sense of comradeship.
After this 10day trial I'm currently using is over I'm going to buy the game and if somebody wants to try out the 10day pass I get with it just mail me. :) Although not being an expert in games I rate this one high on my scale and very likely to be the game I'll still be playing a year from now.
This summer is my awesome MMORPG-summer
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