I haven't been to this coffee-house in years and was kinda surprised to discover that they're more of a restaurant now, and actually serve hellagood food. Best chicken that I've had for sometime now.. :) We sat outside for a while since it was >20deg outside, although when the shade hit us it got to cold to be outside (it's the classic thing here in Iceland).
"Edited by Ivan Morris, a recognized authority on Japanese literature, Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology is a volume of the highest quality and fidelity. The anthology also contains a long critical introduction by the editor tracing the development of modern Japanese fiction, introductory paragraphs to each story giving information about the author and the story's cultural context, and a selected bibliography of modern Japanese fiction available in English translation." [more]I'm rather excited to start reading this one ;), half-way through the introduction...
I can't quite put my finger on it but there is something I just really love about bookstores.. I just go in one and I don't notice the hours just flying-by :D. Books are fun!
This afternoon at 21:00 I'm going to Te og Kaffi on Laugarvegur, which I have high hopes towards since it's one of the o-so rare coffee-houses in Reykjavik that doesn't allow smoking! Hurray, finally my clothes wont stink of cigarette smoke afterwards! :D ... besides it's supposed to serve a wicked cup of espresso ...
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