15. maí 2005

It's over now

Well all good things must come to an end and this is also sadly true about our stay here at the University of Alberta. I finally managed to pack all my things (with out considerably overweighting my bags, the IKEA scale came in handy for this).

I'm currently scheduled to leave (on a jet plane) tomorrow afternoon at 13:55 from Edmonton Int. Sure is going to be a hellafun, especially since I've managed to catch myself this awesome flu.. hurray.. so my last day in Edmonton was just spent indoors (mainly under the covers coughing my lungs out..).

Anyways, we've met so many wonderful people here in Canada and had a blast (oh yeah we also learned a couple of things between but tried to keep that to a bare minimum hehe..) So thanks you guys and gals, especially you who showed up for our Bon Voyage party.. (you know who you are..). If you are ever in Iceland (or thinking about coming) don't forget to give us a call/email/msn/skype ... Although I'm kind of sorry to have to leave Canada now just when we really got settled in here, I'm also looking forward to meet everybody I left behind in Iceland...

Good bye, take care and thanks for all the fish...

-Sverrir "Icelander nr. 3"

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