Even now in heaven, there were angels carrying savage weapons...
An eye for an eye
makes the whole world
Even now in heaven, there were angels carrying savage weapons...
Bret540 writes:
"A Reuters news story reports that German lawmakers are considering a crackdown on 'violent computer and simulated war games' because a youth decided to attack other students at his school. The young man was apparently already under police consideration for weapons-related violations, and was described as 'someone with no friends.'"
From the article:
"Wolfgang Bosbach, the deputy head of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) in parliament, said it was time to consider banning games that simulate wanton killing. 'We need effective guidelines to protect children from exposure to different types of media, but we don't need (simulated) killer games that can lead to brutalisation,' Bosbach was quoted on the Netzeitung news Web site as saying." InfoWorld has more details on the event as well.[more]
()_()Fluffy has died 3,421 times so far.
nFANTOM100::tStatus status;
nFANTOM100::iNXTIterator* nxtIteratorPtr = NULL;
nFANTOM100::iNXT* nxtPtr = NULL;
nxtIteratorPtr = nFANTOM100::iNXT::createNXTIterator( false, 0, status );
if( status.isNotFatal())
nxtPtr = nxtIteratorPtr->getNXT( status );
nFANTOM100::iNXT::destroyNXTIterator( nxtIteratorPtr );
ViUInt8 tachoticks = 360;
ViUInt8 speed = 100;
ViUInt8 directCommandBuffer[] = { // Removed the initial byte!
0x04, // Set outputstate
0x00, // The output port 0-2
speed, //power set point -100 to 100
0x01 | 0x04, // mode byte,
0x01, // Regulation mode (no regulation)
0x10, //turn ratio
0x20, // Run state (idle)
// Same thing here, decrease the size of the return buffer by 1 (documented size is 3)
unsigned char responseBuffer[2];
// Send the direct command to the NXT.
nxtPtr->sendDirectCommand( true /* we want a response */,
reinterpret_cast< ViByte* >( directCommandBuffer ), sizeof( directCommandBuffer ),
reinterpret_cast< ViByte* >( responseBuffer), sizeof( responseBuffer ),
status );
Starfsemi safna, svo sem bókasafna, listasafna og náttúrugripasafna, og hliðstæð menningarstarfsemi. Sama gildir um aðgangseyri að tónleikum, íslenskum kvikmyndum, listdanssýningum, leiksýningum og leikhúsum, enda tengist samkomur þessar ekki á neinn hátt öðru samkomuhaldi eða veitingastarfsemi.]
Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real" |
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love. You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!) Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get |